2020 Missouri Breaks & Yellowstone Trip Map:

This is the map of my big trip in 2020-2021. The route Alan and I took to get to Montana and back. The main destinations are shown, as are the days of the trip in in round markers.

Comments: I was invited to participate in a canoe trip on the Missouri River by an old childhood Boy Scout friend and neighbor from Midland - Jim McNamara. He and some friends of his from Colorado had been planning the trip literally for years, but one of them had to drop out so they had an opening. It sounded interesting and as a former professional canoe guide (in college) it was right up my alley. I also got Alan signed uo as I didn't really want to fly during the pandemic, or drive all the way out there alone. That worked out and we made plans to head out west and spend a week getting there, a week of canoeing, and a week getting back, for what looked to be a fantastic 3 week trip.

Map of the Upper Missouri Breaks National Monument
This is a map of our river trip. We put in at Wood Bottom and took out at Judith Landing (both starred). It was right about 68 miles total travel on the river.
Of note: with a current that ran at ~3 mph when we ran it - it is up to 6 mph in the spring. (Nights are noted in black circles.)

Wood Bottom Launch Point We had to ferry cars to both ends of the trip, and then spent the night here, before loading up the boats.
We had no opportunity to replenish so we had too have all of our food (and beer!) and gear with is

Boats on the river waiting to go. We had a drift boat (front), a canoe (green), and a kayak (rear).
The trees in the background are cottonwoods. They are the main type of tree all along the river.

Our Send Off! It was time to get in and go - and so we did.

Moving along down the river. This is me in the kayak, and Jim & Sean in the canoe.

Seven Sisters This is one of the more famous rock formations in the Upper Breaks area.

Lunch break along the river. This was a nice lunch stop with some cliffs to explore.

Time for a smoke and some fishing! Sean and his famous Popeil "Pocket Fisherman" fishing rod. He actually caught a few fish with it! Jon (left) and Alan (right) behind.

Alan in the stern of the drift boat We all got at least one day at the stern, and one day in the kayak (solo) and a day or two in the canoe.
(Except Jon who rowed the drift boat every day.)

Two boats on the shore and the drift boat pulling in. This shot shows the while cliffs very well that this area is famous for.

Comments: The cliffs are quite beautiful, and Stephen Ambrose (well known author who wrote many biographies including Undaunted Courage (which was the story of the Lewis & Clark expedition up this very river) felt that this was the most beautiful spot in earth. He traveled the area many times while researching his book on Lewis & Clark.

(boatbuilder) Jon (front) and Jim at the boats

Campsite with strong wind brewing. Notice the rope tied to the poles. Some of the poles broke in the wind before I put those up.
Also notice the cows in the background. Montana is ranching country, and there were cows all along the river on the trip.

A rustic latrine on the river. This sure beat the alternative of a shovel or a bag!

The McNamara Brothers at camp! Jim (left) and Sean (right)

One of our nightly campfires. Sprits and revelry were definitely a part of the trip! (L to R: Jon, Al, Jim & Me)

Jim cooking breakfast. This was his communal spam & eggs breakfast. It was great!

The boats all lined up on the shore.

Me in the stern of the drift boat This was a shot of me steering the drift boat. We traded around in the boats and I got one day doing the rudder duty. (which as kinda easy as it required no paddling - Jon was in the middle manning the oars.).

Alan in the kayak..

Jon (left) and me at camp The pain in my hip and the effects of strong winds wore me down a bit by the end of the trip. (My expression seemed to show that.) It got incredibly windy on day 4 in the afternoon, and again on day 5 when it blew all night and on into day 6. (The wind on the last day was a challenge for sure, but luckily it was mostly to our back.)

The Missouri Breaks trip group The group was (L to R) Jim McNamara (my scouting friend from Midland), his younger brother Sean, me, my brother Alan, and Jon Kolb, who organized the trip and hand made all 3 of the boats. (He worked for years getting the boats ready! He's a talented boat builder hobbyist.).

Packing up at Judith Landing Not only did Jon build the boats, he got them up there from Colorado Springs where he and Jim both live.
We packed up and headed for a great night out in Great Falls including an outdoor concert, dinner at Benihana and drinks (and revelry) at the Cowboy Bar.

Trip highlights included:
1) Stopping in Charlevoix with my brother Alan, longtime Dave Randolph and his son Nic.
2) Driving through the UP and visiting Pictured Rocks and the Porcupine Mtns.
3) Stopping in Red Lake Falls - my mother's home town, and visiting her parents grave site.
4) Visiting Teddy Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota.
5) The incredible 7 day canoe trip with the other guys.
6) A visit with our cousin Libby near Bozeman.
7) A three day visit to Yellowstone.
8) Stopping at Little Bighorn on the way home.
9) Hitting Devil's Tower, Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands National Park (S. Dakota) and Wall Drugs - all in one day!
10) A stop in Milwaukee and ferry ride across Lake Michigan. (Although it was windy and a kinda rough ride.)
11) A visit in Midland with my Sister Anne.
12) Sharing the 3 & a half week adventure with my brother Alan who also had a great time.

A couple of the un-highlights were:
1) Having my new trailer's electric brakes fail on the first day of the trip and having to leave it in Midland.
2) Realizing that something was also wrong with my Ranger truck and having to drive from Charlevoix all the way back to Ypsi to exchange it with my Focus.
3) Wrenching my back at Charlevoix on the 3rd day of the trip and having really bad pain in my hip for 6 weeks. (Walking and even sitting up in bed was a struggle - it sucked!)

Missouri Breaks Trip Itinerary Chart: