The winged monkeys from Government agencies (HDNW & Eveline Twp) and the neighborhood HOA swooped in determined to make my up North life miserable. They succeeded. (A ridiculous, politically motivated Cease & Desist by the Health Dept. (for my small but fully functional septic system), a baseless claim of non-conformance by the Twp, and general harassment by the HOA add up to a ridiculous situation which I am stuck with.) Trying to maintain a modest, rustic, old-fashioned, legally grandfathered lifestyle seems to frustrate some neighbors and creates a definite 2nd class citizen status for me, with the Government agencies involved also behaving badly - I'll tell you what - it sucks! (You can quote me.)
My well-travelled RPOD in it's new surroundings.

New dock platform and clean white vinyl dock.

My new(er!) boat - an 18' Stingray with a 3.0L Mercrusier. (It'll push close to 50 mph.)

Upgrades to my swanky lakeside patio (now with firepit and added moon lamp!) and new lakeview bench swing I built. (Old bench, retrofitted to the new swing)

Colorful new, green, steel boatport. (Compete with boats!)........ Doors added in 2022.

My beautiful, hand-built hillbilly hideaway shed and shiny red up-North scooter.

Shed construction stages. I did every single bit of this little beauty by myself. It was some work, but I very much enjoy having it.